You Need An IQ Above 140 To Ace This General Knowledge Quiz!

By: Morgan Hill
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Trivia nights are a popular activity among pub patrons or bargoers. It is one day a week (or a month, depending on the establishment) where pub-goers come to drink beer and pit their teams against each other in the quest to prove who has acquired the most amount of information that one would probably have no practical use in your life. But who really cares about using this information? It’s just fun especially if you are the only person in the room who knows the answer to a specific question. And learning about things is good for your brain. It helps keep you sharp!

General knowledge quizzes are fun to read because you’d assume that everybody knows the answers to all the questions. That’s why it’s called general knowledge, right? Everybody should know them. But you would be surprised at the things that you’d be able to answer and probably be astounded by the questions that would stump you.

Test your knowledge on the topics of politics, food, cartoons, literature, history, geography, animals, sports, and more.