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Correct Answer: Ezekiel

God has always used his prophets in the Old Testament to teach wayward Israel an object lesson. He asked Hosea to marry a prostitute so that he can teach the people how he loved them even when they went whoring after idols. However, he gave Ezekiel a very revolting demand for cooking a precise diet of grains using human dung. Fortunately, He changed that to cow dung. Sigh! (Ezekiel 4: 11-12, 15)

Did you know ...
President Ulysses S. Grant Was Stopped By Police for Speeding On A Horse

Officer West stopped President Grant for speeding in his horse and buggy, and gave him a warning, while on patrol near 13th and M Streets NW in Washington, D.C.

On which mount did Jesus pray and sweat blood?

Is it Mount of Olives or Gethsemane?
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Is it Mount of Olives or Gethsemane?
Quiz Written By
Danielle Thomas,
Known among her neighbors as the "Know-It-All-Lady," Danielle spent more than 30 years in the classroom teaching social studies and humanities. Although she has retired from that job, she continues to volunteer in a Sunday school instructor who others come to anytime they have something in the Bible or other sacred literature that requires clarification. Meticulous in all that she does, Danielle, has carefully organized many of her favorite Bible verses in a file that is in close proximity to her other trivia research subject files. This former teacher certainly maintains her careful lesson plans when it comes to testing our knowledge of trivia.