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Correct Answer: Eunice

Paul writes that Timothy’s faith first lived in his grandmother Lois and then in his mother Eunice. That's all we know of these two women. Timothy went on to serve with Paul, and is mentioned in six of his New Testament letters

Did you know ...
A Banana Grows Upside Down

Bananas grow upside down and outward from their stems. When growing, bananas turns to face the sun, making a curve.

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Is it Leaped in her womb or Cried out loud?
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Is it Leaped in her womb or Cried out loud?
Quiz Written By
Danielle Thomas,
Known among her neighbors as the "Know-It-All-Lady," Danielle spent more than 30 years in the classroom teaching social studies and humanities. Although she has retired from that job, she continues to volunteer in a Sunday school instructor who others come to anytime they have something in the Bible or other sacred literature that requires clarification. Meticulous in all that she does, Danielle, has carefully organized many of her favorite Bible verses in a file that is in close proximity to her other trivia research subject files. This former teacher certainly maintains her careful lesson plans when it comes to testing our knowledge of trivia.