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Correct Answer: Candice Bergen

Candice Bergen is an American actress. She won five Primetime Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards for her portrayal of the title character on the CBS sitcom Murphy Brown.

Did you know ...
The Letter Q Isn't in Any U.S. State Name

Of all 26 letters in the alphabet, Q is the only one not in a state name. Wondering about Z and X? There is Arizona and Texas.

Name This Celeb!

Is it Daryl Hannah or Meg Ryan?
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Is it Daryl Hannah or Meg Ryan?
Quiz Written By
Kendra Collins,
A true trivia fan, Kendra was an ace at playing trivia games during college, often winning with her mastery of history and music. She earned a BA in history focusing on Medieval Europe, but her love for country and pop music and avid reading in the fields of environmental science and pop culture make her a strong candidate to challenge anyone in their knowledge of those areas. When not reading about Charlemagne or another medieval leader, you will probably find Kendra at the movie theater checking out some new releases, or a classic film matinee.