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Correct Answer: badge

A badge means a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc.

Did you know ...
You Will Probably Eat Less By Using A Bigger Fork

At least in restaurant settings, the Journal of Consumer Research reported that using a bigger fork led to taking bigger bites, and eating bigger bites actually causes people to eat less.

Which is spelled correctly?

Is it stend or stand?
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Is it stend or stand?
Quiz Written By
Brett Rollins,
Brett is a seasoned writer with extensive experience in copywriting, journalism, and social media. A graduate of the University of Iowa with a BA in Journalism and English, Brett excelled as a journalist as early as freshman year, earning a spot writing for several campus publications, in addition to the award-winning Daily Iowan Newspaper. Brett was also recognized for his writing abilities with the Jerry Parker Feature Writing Award, which is an annual award to a senior in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication who has been selected "...on the basis of outstanding achievement in journalism-related assignments in feature writing, extra-curricular feature writing and overall academic excellence."