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Correct Answer: Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis was an American comedian, actor, singer, filmmaker and humanitarian, who in 1946, teamed up with Dean Martin to form Martin and Lewis, before going as a "solo" stage act, movie star and singer in 1956. Lewis was an early and prominent user of video assist, which allows real-time review of how a scene looks on camera.

Did you know ...
Almost One-Third Of Your Bones Are Made Of Water

As opposed to dead bones which are dry and brittle, up to one-third of the weight of a living bone is water, making them softer, slightly flexible, and able to absorb pressure. Additionally, like most parts of the body, bones have blood vessels and nerves running through them.

Name This TV Star!

Is it Don Rickles or Jay Leno?
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Is it Don Rickles or Jay Leno?
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Michael Dean,