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Correct Answer: Opaqueness

Opaqueness is the characteristic of being either difficult to see through or hard to understand.

Did you know ...
Cows Moo With Accents

In a breakthrough in bovine linguistic research, Professor John Wells discovered that cows moo with accents that are distinct to the cow's herd. He made the discovery after investigating claims by West Country farmers near London that their cows were mooing with a local accent.

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Quiz Written By
Cynthia Fernandez,
Not all trivia experts begin their quest by becoming polymaths that try to absorb every list or detail they see.  Cynthia earned her stripes on a country farm in the Midwest, where hours were spent in the stable with the horses, feeding chickens and livestock, and helping with the crops. As someone who enjoyed the solitude of rural landscape while growing up, she was known to bring along a book to enjoy between chores, including the occasional almanac with its well-worn cover. Cynthia prefers non-fiction to fiction, learning to love rankings and statistics while guarding the hen house.