How Well Do You Really Know The 1930s?

By: Rebecca Curran
Getty Images
The 1930s was a booming era with swing jazz coming into the height of popularity with help from the radio. Culture was shifting rapidly now that consumers had more access to entertainment, news, and information. However, this era was one of dichotomies. While experimentation in fashion, music, and cars was at full tilt, there was also an underlying tone of traditionalism and longing for simpler times. Although there were many split feelings and opinions, one thing is certain.

This decade brought us some of the most beloved names and media we still recognize and enjoy today. This time of great optimism towards the future brought technology to the forefront of American lives and put it front and center. The radio allowed broad access to information in real-time, in a way that was never seen before, and it was available to any person regardless of status. Conversely, newspaper sales took a nosedive due to information being made available freely on the radiowaves. This was also a time when movie theaters were the place to be. Not only could you watch the latest movie but pre-recorded newsreels played before the movie, a precursor to modern television news.

They were truly revolutionary and were creating a genre of entertainment that still survives today. They were especially loved for their ingenuity, music and incredible acting. The magic that these movies hold has been lost to heavy editing and special effects. This era set up American culture to be excited about and integrate with new technology, ideas, and information as it evolved. In fact, some of the great media names we know today were just starting in the 30s. I wonder if you can name a few!

What's so special about the 30s is that while much of technology, media and culture are transient, much more of it stuck around and has become an ingrained part of our lives. Cars today are practically required to have an AM/FM radio. Swing dancing is still a popular past-time and you can find a swing dancing hall in almost any big city. There is a sense of permanence for what the 30s brought to our culture and technological lives especially the excitement and optimism surrounding technological advances.

So let's ask the big question here. How well, do you really know the 30s? Take the quiz and see if you stand up to muster!