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Correct Answer: Brochure

Brochure means a short printed publication with no cover or with a paper cover.

Did you know ...
April 11, 1954 Is The Most Eventless Day In History

Statistician William Tunstall-Pedoe determined April 11 1954 to be the least interesting, most uneventful day in history. There were no battles, no wars, and no other significant events.

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Quiz Written By
Ben Stamps,
Ben Stamps has been a journalist working in Washington D.C. since 2010 and currently covers all stories related to the POTUS for He earned professional accolades by covering the secret N.S.A. eavesdropping program approved by George W. Bush. He is also the author of two e-books, “Beating Around The Bush: A Complex Look At G.W. Bush’s Time In The White House" and "Munch: a cook book for vegans" - both can be found on