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Correct Answer: The Asphalt Jungle

The Asphalt Jungle is a 1950 American film noir heist film directed by John Huston. The film stars Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhern and Jean Hagen, and features James Whitmore, Sam Jaffe, and John McIntire. The film was nominated for four Academy Awards.

Did you know ...
Smelling Chocolate Will Make You More Likely To Buy a Romance Novel

Researchers found that when the scent of chocolate was released into the air, customers were 40% more likely to buy a romance novel or cookbook. The study also showed customers spent more time browsing, and 22% more people bought books in other genres.

Name This 50s Academy Award-Winning Actress!

Is it Donna Reed or Doris Day?
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Is it Donna Reed or Doris Day?
Quiz Written By
Whitney Walker,
Whitney has been a professional writer since 2010 and writes about topics including addiction, the health care industry, college, and business financing. Some of Whitney's proudest writing-related accomplishments have been featured on, Forbes, HSBC Premier, UrRepublic, and in Vero Beach Magazine. She has an AA in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources from the American InterContinental University. She completed the two-year program in less than 15 months with a near 4.0 GPA.