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Correct Answer: Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis (March 16, 1926 – August 20, 2017) was an American comedian, actor, singer, headliner, director, producer, screenwriter and humanitarian. He was known widely for his slapstick humor in film, television, stage and radio and was nicknamed the "King of Comedy."

Did you know ...
There Is A Sport Called Extreme Ironing

There is a sport called extreme ironing, and it's just like it sounds. Started in 2007, contestants iron shirts in crazy locations, like up a tree or on a roof or while paddling through white-water rapids.

Name This 50s Actress!

Is it Rita Moreno or Eva Marie Saint?
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Is it Rita Moreno or Eva Marie Saint?
Quiz Written By
Clement Hall,
A former reporter and editor, Clement was the editor-in-chief of his small-town newspaper in Rockport, Texas. To this day, he has remained a wealth of information and a source of conversation in his community. Clement's trivia quizzes cover current and historic events, geography, sports, entertainment, culture, and most especially music. Always one who does his best to get his facts straight, Clement's quizzes are challenging and sometimes mind-bending! This goes back to his days as a journalist when he used the newspaper as a way to encourage his readers to ask tough questions even as they sought answers in the narrative. In addition to trivia, Clement is an avid fan of music genres ranging from rock to hip hop, and he has written more than a few of our trivia quizzes that focus on contemporary music artists. During the late 1990s, Clement had a fairly large collections of music CDs carefully organized by artist. Since then, he has fallen in love with old-school vinyl, adding a number of records to his collection that get regular playtime on the turntable!