Can You Guess The 60s Song From The Lyrics?

By: Clement Hall
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If you lived through the 1960s, you know that this was a time of upheaval and revolution. Protests filled the streets, the children of baby boomers were looking to establish their own identities, and music was the way to make this happen. The 60s were highlighted by changes in society, fashion, and attitudes. Topics that might have been taboo in the past were becoming mainstream and music helped those who lived through this decade voice their opinions.

While there were some artists in the 1960s who also had success in the 1950s such as Elvis Presley, Dion, The Everly Brothers, and Ray Charles, there were also some major shifts when it came to music in the 1960s. One of the major shifts in music came in 1963. This was a big year with the escalation of the Vietnam War, the progress of the Civil Rights Movement, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. All of these events contributed to pain, heartache, and revolution in the streets of the United States. Music reflected the sentiments of the people, as these events shifted the way the public viewed the government of the United States and society as a whole. These events had a tremendous impact on the mood of the American populous, contributing to a shift in the tone of music itself.

Of course, the 1960s were also marked by the “British Invasion,” which refers to British bands coming to the United States and establishing themselves as a firm part of the music scene in the United States. The Beatles would change the face of music forever. In the eyes of many, they are the greatest band of all-time. Their music has spawned video games, parody bands, and some of their members still perform to this day. The rabid fandom they spawned would follow them forever.

Without a doubt, many of the songs of the 1960s are still played on the radio even to this day. Those who lived through this decade have taught their children about the impact some of the greatest hits of the 1960s had on society as a whole. Indeed, you can probably recognize many of these songs from the chorus alone! In fact, why don’t you put your 1960s music knowledge to the test? Take our music trivia and see if you can guess the song from the first line of the chorus alone!