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Correct Answer: F Troop

Randolph Agarn is O'Rourke's somewhat dimwitted sidekick and business partner in the shady O'Rourke Enterprises (his name is a play on both Randolph Scott and John Agar who were cowboy stars). The character Agarn, originally from Passaic, New Jersey, took six years after enlistment to become a lowly corporal.

Did you know ...
World War II Troops Had Uncle Ben's Rice Airdropped to Them

When a German chemist named Erich Huzenlaub invented a process to parboil rice, it was discovered to keep more nutrients in the rice, lessen the cooking time, and even stop bug infestation. This quick-cook, bug-free, nutritious rice was a tremendous advantage during the war, was airdropped to Allied troops.

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Quiz Written By
Mary Fengel,
Mary Fengel is our national politics reporter. After covering the 2016 presidential election, Mary relocated to Anchorage, Alaska where she worked for Anchorage College. Before making her move to the great white North, Mary lived in Washington D.C. where she covered notable news events ranging from the political scandal to education.