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Correct Answer: Coarse

It means rough or loose in texture or grain.

Did you know ...
Jellyfish Almost Caused Mass Nuclear Explosions Across The World

In the exceedingly hot summer of 2013, a sudden increase in the number of jellyfish clogged many filters that were responsible for cooling down the reactors of nuclear power plants across the globe. Many of these plants were forced to shut down for crucial maintenance and safety precautions.

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Is it Solemn or Suolemn ?
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Quiz Written By
Mary Fengel,
Mary Fengel is our national politics reporter. After covering the 2016 presidential election, Mary relocated to Anchorage, Alaska where she worked for Anchorage College. Before making her move to the great white North, Mary lived in Washington D.C. where she covered notable news events ranging from the political scandal to education.