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Correct Answer: Designing Women

The token male of the series, Anthony Bouvier is always finding himself right in the middle of his co-workers' female problems and conversations -- which probably partially contributes to his incessant nervous laughter. Anthony starts out as Sugarbaker's delivery man and then eventually becomes a full partner in the firm. Prior to working at Sugarbakers he had not had the easiest life. His mother, a drug addict, left him in the care of his grandmother when he was two weeks old.

Did you know ...
A Soccer Game Led To War

The 100 Hour War, also known as the Football War, was fought between Honduras and El Salvador in 1969. Tensions between the two countries had been brewing for some time, but the immediate provocation came from violence surrounding soccer playoffs between the Salvadoran and Honduran national teams.

In Which 80s TV Show Will You Find Dan Fielding?

Is it Night Court or The Golden Girls?
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Quiz Written By
Elizabeth Wilson,
Elizabeth's interest in trivia started in middle school, when she found herself fascinated by true crime novels at an earlier age than her parents were comfortable with. She loved looking up information about different cases and the techniques used to solve them. To this day, her family still suffers through quizzes she poses about the depths of their crime-solving knowledge! As a high school teacher, Elizabeth has plenty of experience designing challenging quizzes for the juniors and seniors in her science classes. Always one to throw in an occasional helpful hint, her trivia covers a wide range of topics, including history, geography, entertainment, and of course science! In addition, Elizabeth's love of movies make her a regular contributor of quizzes about actors and actresses on the silver screen. Whether she asks a question about your favorite movie star or a place you once visited, Elizabeth's trivia questions are always challenging and fun!