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Correct Answer: Brittany Murphy

Brittany Anne Murphy-Monjack was an American actress and singer. A native of Atlanta, Murphy moved to Los Angeles as a teenager and pursued a career in acting.

Did you know ...
The World's Largest Collection of Miniature Books Consists of 3,137 Unique Books

The collection belongs to Sathar Adhoor, who maintains the 3,137 unique miniature books in Thrissur, India. Each book, which was verified on June 4, 2016, is no larger than 3 in height, width, and thickness.

Name This 90s Star!

Is it Emmanuelle Béart or Natalie Portman?
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Is it Emmanuelle Béart or Natalie Portman?
Quiz Written By
Morgan Hill,
Writing has been Morgan’s life-long passion. She first started writing at the age of five, creating a series of books about a girl named Happy and her pet bird. Morgan went on to study English literature and writing at Radford University, graduating with a bachelor's degree from RU in 2007. She has been writing professionally since 2008, and her work has been nominated for the Winesett Scholars Library Research Award. She blogs about culture and beliefs and also writes fiction, essays, and poetry. Morgan's interests outside of writing include hiking in the Appalachian Mountains with her dog, as well as photography, sewing, and reading.