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Correct Answer: John Candy

John Candy as Frank Dooley in Armed and Dangerous (1986)

Did you know ...
Queen Elizabeth II is a Mechanic

At the age of 16, Queen Elizabeth II joined the British employment agency at the Labour Exchange where she learned how to repair tires and engines.

Name This Actor!

Is it Eddie Murphy or Arsenio Hall?
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Is it Eddie Murphy or Arsenio Hall?
Quiz Written By
Anthony Washington,
A lawyer by training, Anthony always wanted to get the upper hand in the courtroom. A meticulous reader, his passion is keeping up with current events and music from the 1960s through the 1990s. The questions he submits in his trivia quizzes reveal his competitive streak. He always likes to throw in an occasional curveball about a long-forgotten song and band member who left one group to do great things with another. Whether you take one of his music trivia quizzes or one on popular culture, be prepared for a question here or there that will certainly catch you off guard!