How Much Do You Know About The Animal Kingdom?

By: Katie Jacobs
Published: Thursday, August 8, 2024
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Those who grew up in the height of the wildly popular “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom” TV show probably think they know everything there is to know about the animal kingdom. On the other hand, if you associate the phrase “animal kingdom” with Walt Disney World, you probably don’t know as much as you think. Either way, you should take our quiz to learn more about the animal kingdom’s real meaning and all it encompasses.

For instance, we bet you can’t identify what living being is the slowest – or the fastest – one in the world. The answers to these questions might surprise you! People and most animals need their beauty sleep, but did you know there is at least one breathing creature that never fully falls asleep but rather takes long resting periods to conserve energy. Do you know which one?

Almost everyone knows lions are the “king of the jungle," but they do have natural enemies and spend their days protecting themselves. Do you know if they go to “school” to learn it or do they simply take "pride" in their instinctual knowledge? We’d wager you might have to think about it for at least a minute or two before you answer.

Birds are a populous part of the animal kingdom. They are also very symbolic creatures for humans. Some flying friends are known as symbols of peace, while others are looked upon as being good or bad luck. Can you identify these birds and explain what they symbolize? Speaking of birds, everyone knows they lay eggs, but did you know other species do as well? When you learn the answers to which ones, you might find you’re not as smart as you think you are! Or, you might learn you’re even better than you thought when it comes to your knowledge of birds and other egg-laying critters.

To learn the answer to these questions and more, take our quiz to find out once and for all if you’re also a “king” when it comes to understanding the animal kingdom. However, before you start bragging about your knowledge, are you sure you really know as much as you think? There are many fascinating facts about the animal kingdom. Why not test your skills now to find out if you’re an expert or novice when it comes to how much you know about the inhabitants of the world we live in? Ready, set, go!