Almost Nobody Aces This Baby Boomer Quiz. Can You?

By: Elizabeth Wilson
Published: Monday, May 13, 2024
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Are You Ready, Boomers and Boomer-Wannabe's!

This is the chance you've all been waiting for. There are oodles of nostalgia lurking behind these masks and it's up to you to jog your brain cells and keep their spirits alive. If you're a history buff, or someone wanting to have fond memories of days gone by, these quizzes are for you!

Whether you're inclined to remember-- -or feel the need to take--a moment, no problem at all. The olden days had a rich history of comedy, drama, fantasy, and a healthy dose of the serious collectibles in antiques. Everything that continues to stand the test of time brings up warm memories and laughter.

So let's begin with taking a look at these quizzes and figuring out what you know and what has you stumped. If you're born during the 1950's-1960's, and had a fancy for gathering around the boob tube and watching for hours as a family, surely most of these questions are identifiable. If you were born into the 1970's and 1980's, some of the quiz answers might take a moment (and honestly, you could even open up a new tab and sneak a peek by Googling the aforementioned person, musicians, cars, and T.V. shows and retrieve your answer.

A fun piece of this entire brain teaser is to determine whether you're an old soul, a young soul with older parents who lived in these eras, or a curious historian with a penchant for these types of things. When I took the quiz I had a smile on my face the entire time. Fortunately, I was able to answer each question and get 100% (which is rare in other comparative tests!) but that's just me and my baby boomer status.

Give each one a whirl and see how long it takes you and whether or not you need to run off and ask a more seasoned and wiser person who's lived through these years. It was certainly a time full of heart, of love, of togetherness, of simplicity, and if you ask me, I might even sense a slight return to some of the energy this memorabilia left behind.

The most significant uptick of these old-school shows and collectibles appear in morphed forms of other people and places. In other words, the current scenarios try to mimic what worked and what was popular. It's uncanny to watch and be a witness to how the baby boomer era shaped our society today, in all niches. Sure, it's easy to discount 'those days' as tired and silly, but let me tell you, they were some of the most poignant reminders of how good people are and how much we treasure with old-fashioned music and entertainment.

Once you mull through these playful tests, you'll begin to appreciate the current 70-year old Rolling Stones. Or the 1960's Pontiac Trans Am that might be in your garage right now and waiting to tear it up on the road. There's no end to what these years perpetuated and helped develop for most everything we feel aligned with at present.

Have a great time! Do your best, no matter how old you are. And remember to thank those who lived during these times. They were truly special.