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Correct Answer: Dustin Diamond

Dustin Neil Diamond was an American actor, director, stand-up comedian and musician best known for his role as Samuel "Screech" Powers throughout the Saved by the Bell franchise

Did you know ...
An Astronaut Was Allergic To The Moon

Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison 'Jack' Schmitt experienced an allergic reaction when landing on the moon, including a sneezing fit, itchy throat, and clogged sinuses. The culprit was found to be lunar dust.

Name This Celeb!

Is it Chevy Chase or Christopher Walken?
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Is it Chevy Chase or Christopher Walken?
Quiz Written By
Kelsey Simons,
Kelsey decided to use her passion for science to pursue a career as a forensic pathologist. She enjoys studying the intricacies of different cases in her spare time!