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Correct Answer: M*A*S*H

Corporal Walter Eugene "Radar" O’Reilly is a fictional character in the M*A*S*H novels, film, television series, television pilot W*A*L*T*E*R, and two episodes of the series After M*A*S*H.

Did you know ...
Chilled Onions Make You Cry Less

Chilling an onion reduces the amount of chemicals released by the onion when cutting it, helping prevent eye irritation and making you cry less.

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Is it Star Trek: the Next Generation or Red Dwarf?
Quiz Written By
Megan Kim,
Megan believes her mother's insistence when growing up that she read two newspapers daily, and one book per week, fed the plethora of facts constantly rattling around in her head. Now, she considers it a Badge Of Honor that she has been permanently banned from participating in trivia contests during large family gatherings! Megan gets the chance to share some of those facts during the creative writing course she teaches at a high school in Savannah, GA. Her hope is to see her students use that knowledge to improve themselves and discover their passion in life. In addition to trivia, Megan has a love for the outdoors and has visited numerous national parks, camped in national forests throughout the country, and jogged along more than a few trails. Never one to spend much time lounging around, Megan's quizzes are a workout for the mind, body, and soul. Indeed, she often designs her quizzes like a great cardio workout: warming you up at the beginning, asking questions that test your endurance in the middle, then cooling you down with a few questions that allow you to catch your breath at the end!