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Correct Answer: Shae

Shae was a prostitute who had begun an exclusive relationship with Tyrion Lannister during the time when he was fighting in the Lannister army as part of the Vanguard during the Battle of the Green Fork. When he is sent to King's Landing to be acting Hand of the King, he takes Shae with him as his mistress in defiance of his father's orders, and she lives with him at the Tower of the Hand. The only person who knows she is there is Varys the Master of Whisperers, who while not completely trusted, was an advisor to Tyrion and did keep their secret.

Did you know ...
The Microwave Oven Was Invented By Accident

In 1945, Percy Spencer, the inventor of the microwave, was standing next to an active magnetron when he discovered it had melted a candy bar that was in his pocket. Curious, he attempted to pop popcorn, and when it worked he realized microwaves could potentially be used to cook food.

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Quiz Written By
Elizabeth Wilson,
Elizabeth's interest in trivia started in middle school, when she found herself fascinated by true crime novels at an earlier age than her parents were comfortable with. She loved looking up information about different cases and the techniques used to solve them. To this day, her family still suffers through quizzes she poses about the depths of their crime-solving knowledge! As a high school teacher, Elizabeth has plenty of experience designing challenging quizzes for the juniors and seniors in her science classes. Always one to throw in an occasional helpful hint, her trivia covers a wide range of topics, including history, geography, entertainment, and of course science! In addition, Elizabeth's love of movies make her a regular contributor of quizzes about actors and actresses on the silver screen. Whether she asks a question about your favorite movie star or a place you once visited, Elizabeth's trivia questions are always challenging and fun!