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Correct Answer: Megalithic Temples, Malta

While the Pyramids in Egypt, the oldest of which dates from 2630 BC, are certainly among the most impressive and largest of the ancient world’s structures, they are not, in fact, the oldest. That honor belongs to the Megalithic Temples on the island of Malta. Situated in the Mediterranean Sea between Sicily to the north and Libya to the south, Malta was at the epicenter of the ancient world. The Megalithic Temples, unearthed by archaeologists in the 19th century, are estimated to date back as far as 3500 BC. That’s almost a thousand years before the Pyramids!

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Saudi Arabia Buys Camels From Australia

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Quiz Written By
Annie Duarte,
Travel is Annie's favorite hobby. Her father's position at a multinational firm had this Brooklyn native attending schools in South America, India, and Southeast Asia while growing up. Fluent in three languages, she majored in international business and spent two college semesters abroad. Annie's pursuit of trivia began with her childhood curiosity of the many places she has visited. You will enjoy her trivia quizzes that ask big questions about small places, connecting distant points on the map while giving the quiz taker a better sense of 'home.'