Can You Name The Most Beautiful Women in Hollywood?

By: Katie Jacobs
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An industry filled with glitz and glamour, if nothing else, Hollywood is known for being the place where stars are born. In existence since 1853, Hollywood has come a very long way from when it first began. Nevertheless, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Although there have been obvious changes in terms of the subject matter being discussed, the amount celebrities are getting paid, and who is the most popular, one thing has not changed: Hollywood is known for introducing the world to beautiful women.

Ever since the days of Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, Josephine Baker, María Félix, and Elizabeth Taylor, it was a well-known fact that Hollywood had a knack for finding some of the most beautiful women on the planet. This is something that remains true to this very day. Despite the fact that major motion pictures are not exactly filmed or viewed in the same way they were before, Hollywood is still one of the most influential entertainment sectors ever to exist.

In the present day, we enjoy flocking to theaters to see movies such as The Avengers, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Joker, Rocket Man, It, US, and Jumanji, just to name a few. And either way, no matter what movie we wish to see, it always seems to be a pretty woman who steals the show.

Emma Stone, Mila Kunis, Megan Fox, Emma Watson, Halle Berry, Margot Robbie, Scarlet Johansson, and many others are examples of the many actresses that have worked their way into our hearts over the years. But, do you really remember the most beautiful women in Holywood. While you might think so, you should also be reminded that there have been hundreds and hundreds of gorgeous women who have had amazing careers in Hollywood over the past few decades.

So, how well does your memory bank work when it comes to matching the names to the pretty faces? We believe in you! But, of course, that only counts for so much. Are you confident in your ability to accurately name these beautiful Hollywood starlets without the help of Google? We're here to put you to the test. Find out now by taking our "Most Beautiful Women in Hollywood" quiz. We'll be right here to give you your score when it's all over.