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Correct Answer: Joe Williams

Joe Williams was a jazz singer. He sang with big bands such as the Count Basie Orchestra and the Lionel Hampton Orchestra and with his combos. He sang in two films with the Basie orchestra and sometimes worked as an actor.

Did you know ...
Saudi Arabia Buys Camels From Australia

A big part of the Muslim diet is camel meat, and Saudi Arabia doesn't have enough to go around, forcing them to buy wild camels from Australia.

Name This Legendary Johnny Carson Guest!

Is it Charlie Callas or Gore Vidal?
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Is it Charlie Callas or Gore Vidal?
Quiz Written By
Franklin Dennis,
Unlike most of our trivia experts, Frankie never attended college. Instead, he spent hours under the hoods of many automobiles, vans, and trucks at his father's repair shop in the Mid-Atlantic region. Those hours of changing oil filters, repairing radiator leaks, and replacing fan belts paid great rewards, however. Frankie has contributed more than a few quizzes about motor vehicles, reminding us why Chevy Impalas became popular vehicles and how Edsel did not help the Ford family of vehicles with the car named after him. Although he primarily works with domestic vehicles, Frankie is also an expert in many import models.