How Many People of World War 2 Can You Name?

By: Elizabeth Wilson
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If you grew up during the 1930s and 1940, then you lived through one of the most turbulent and interesting times in human history. While you likely remember the announcement made by Franklin Roosevelt that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor, there was so much more to World War II than this. This was was dominated by the people and the decisions they made that ultimately changed the course of human history.

Of course, it is hard to start any discussion regarding the major people of World War II without discussing the heads of state that made decisions at the top. From the initial policy of neutrality to the lend-lease act and the two-front war, Franklin D. Roosevelt is regarded as one of the greatest presidents in history. He had to manage two disparate personalities leading the other major allied powers, including the quotable Winston Churchill and the driving force behind communism, Joseph Stalin. While they were allies during World War II, the Cold War would soon follow once the Iron Curtain descended across Europe.

Then, there were the dictators of the Axis powers. This included the leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Italian fascist government, Benito Mussolini, and the Emperor of Japan Hirohito. While Hirohito was in charge of Japan overall, the military strategy was being driven by Hideki Tojo, the Prime Minister.

While these men were in charge, World War II was driven by the generals in command. In the European Theater, there was George Patton, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bernard Montgomery, and Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. From North Africa to Italy, from Russia to Omaha Beach, World War II in Europe would see some of the bloodiest battles in human history.

Then, there was the Pacific Theater, which was largely driven by carrier battles. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto led the Japanese Navy (INJ) and Chester Nimitz was in command of the United States Navy. Doulas Macarthur commanded the United States Marines and is famous for leaving the Philippines, promising to return. This is a promise that he kept. From the Attack on Pearl Harbor to the Battle of Midway, from Iwo Jima to Okinawa, the Japanese and Americans would go head to head for more than four years.

Clearly, World War II is one of the bloodiest epics in human history. While these are some of the biggest names, there were millions of people who fought and died for their countries, helping to shape the world as we know it today. So, how many of these people of World War II can you name? Why don't you put your skills to the test by taking our quiz!