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Correct Answer: Battlestar Galactica

In 1980, the courts ruled that there was no infringement.

Did you know ...
Teeth Are the Only Human Body Part That Cannot Heal

Teeth are the only part of our bodies that cannot repair themselves, meaning they cannot regrow or replace anything that has been damaged.

In 1971, prisoners seized control of a New York State prison, which was retaken after four days by state troopers. What was the name of the prison?

Is it Folsom or Attica?
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Is it Folsom or Attica?
Quiz Written By
Whitney Walker,
Whitney has been a professional writer since 2010 and writes about topics including addiction, the health care industry, college, and business financing. Some of Whitney's proudest writing-related accomplishments have been featured on, Forbes, HSBC Premier, UrRepublic, and in Vero Beach Magazine. She has an AA in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources from the American InterContinental University. She completed the two-year program in less than 15 months with a near 4.0 GPA.