How Many Simpsons Characters Can You Name?

By: Rebecca Curran
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Arguably one of the greatest shows ever created and certainly, one of the longest-running shows/cartoons in existence, The Simpsons is a show that has been around far longer than much of today's youth has even been alive. A show that began in 1987, and has managed to stay current for nearly 4 decades, no matter if you love or hate the show, you have certainly seen a few episodes.

In addition to tackling heavy-hitting subjects of all kinds, one of the most notable parts of the show is its long list of unique yet loveable characters. No matter if you love the rage-fueled entitlement of the resident money bag, Mr. Burns, if you love the super socially conscious Lisa Simpson, and her saxophone, or if you have a soft spot for the often misunderstood, yet, very rambunctious, Bart, or even if you love to watch the idiotic antics of Homer, there are undoubtedly characters who you love and others that you have developed a disdain for. A show that has created some highly polarizing figures, you most likely either love or hate Side Show Bob, Krusty the Clown, Apu, Ms. Crabappel, Millhouse, Moe Szyslac, and many others.

Either way, given that massive amount of years the show has been on the air and the ridiculous number of characters who have appeared on the show throughout the years, keeping track of the characters on this show can seem next to impossible. Indeed, although there are some characters that have recurring, very memorable roles and personas, there are also others who only appeared in a few episodes, and weren't especially memorable at all.

But surely, none of this matters to you, right? If you showed up here, prepared to take a Simpsons quiz, surely you have been watching this show from the very beginning and are well aware of all the characters and what roles they have played in the wild storylines over the years. You don't need any reminders or Google searches to help job your memory, this is a quiz you have been preparing for your whole life. Luckily, the wait is over. After decades of watching every episode of this crazy cartoon, you can finally prove that nobody knows The Simpsons as well as you do. How many Simpsons characters can you name? Take the quiz right now to find out.