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Correct Answer: Homer Simpson

Homer Jay Simpson, formerly known as Max Power, is the father of the Simpson family. He's an overweight, lazy, and ignorant individual, but is strongly devoted to his wife and children. His behavior's often stupid, absurd, selfish, dangerous, clumsy, idiotic, and insensitive. Despite this and his below average intelligence, he showed moments of great intellect, and can be a caring parent and husband at times.

Did you know ...
Humans Produce A Liter of Saliva Every Day

Yep, you produce an entire liter of saliva each day, mainly by three salivary glands. Our saliva is 98% water, and contains cells, enzymes, and electrolytes.

Name This Simpsons Character!

Is it Mr. Burns or Chris Griffin?
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Quiz Written By
Rebecca Curran,
It is no surprise that Rebecca's graduate degree in library science brought her to the reference desk at her hometown's public library in Brooklyn, NY! Always one who loves the challenge of answering random questions from her patrons, Rebecca can easily find everything from the perfect bundt cake recipe to the best how-to book in the library for fixing a leaky sink or replacing brake pads. Rebecca loves writing trivia quizzes about geography, history, entertainment, pop icons and more, with each quiz carefully fact checked as you would expect a talented librarian to do! In addition to trivia, Rebecca is a die-hard movie junkie, and throughout her life she's maintained a reputation as the go-to person for friends who want to know which films to see, and which ones they should avoid. Her love of movies began as a child, when her family owned a two-screen movie theater in NY. One of the fringe benefits of this was that Rebecca watched a lot of movies! As a young adult, she developed a love of foreign films that persists to this day.