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Correct Answer: Olivia Newton-John

Dame Olivia Newton-John was a British-Australian singer, actress, and activist. She was a four-time Grammy Award winner whose music career included five number-one hits and many other Top Ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100, and two number-one albums on the Billboard 200: If You Love Me, Let Me Know (1974) and Have You Never Been Mellow (1975).

Did you know ...
Beethoven Never Learned Basic Math

Beethoven, one of the world's most renowned pianists, attended a Latin school called Tirocinium. He was taught math, but never learned how to multiply or divide.

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Quiz Written By
Kendra Collins,
A true trivia fan, Kendra was an ace at playing trivia games during college, often winning with her mastery of history and music. She earned a BA in history focusing on Medieval Europe, but her love for country and pop music and avid reading in the fields of environmental science and pop culture make her a strong candidate to challenge anyone in their knowledge of those areas. When not reading about Charlemagne or another medieval leader, you will probably find Kendra at the movie theater checking out some new releases, or a classic film matinee.