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Correct Answer: Delilah

Samson was known for his great strength - the secret source of which was his long hair. Delilah was promised great sums of silver from the Philistines if she could get him to reveal his secret. He lied to her three times before she was finally able to coerce him into proving his love for her by telling her the source of his strength. The outcome was not in Samson’s favor. You can read this disaster story in Judges 16.

Did you know ...
President Roosevelt Had A Pet Hyena

During the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, his love of animals was widely known. As a gift, Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia sent him a pet hyena, which Roosevelt kept named Bill.

What important figure was caught praying and thrown into a den of lions?

Is it Daniel or David?
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Is it Daniel or David?
Quiz Written By
Danielle Thomas,
Known among her neighbors as the "Know-It-All-Lady," Danielle spent more than 30 years in the classroom teaching social studies and humanities. Although she has retired from that job, she continues to volunteer in a Sunday school instructor who others come to anytime they have something in the Bible or other sacred literature that requires clarification. Meticulous in all that she does, Danielle, has carefully organized many of her favorite Bible verses in a file that is in close proximity to her other trivia research subject files. This former teacher certainly maintains her careful lesson plans when it comes to testing our knowledge of trivia.