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Correct Answer: Moon

'Firework' is the third single from Katy Perry's second album which is named after her smash hit 'Teenage Dream' (2010). Katy Perry, who was born Katheryn Hudson, grew up in California and married British comedian and actor Russell Brand.

Did you know ...
President Roosevelt Had A Pet Hyena

During the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, his love of animals was widely known. As a gift, Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia sent him a pet hyena, which Roosevelt kept named Bill.

Do you know Katy Perry's real name?

Is it Katheryn Foster or Katheryn Hudson?
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Is it Katheryn Foster or Katheryn Hudson?
Quiz Written By
Randy Lawson,
A millennial on a musical mission, Randy grew up listening to more than his share of music videos. With his techie instincts, he even developed a few music videos with friends who created a band in his family's garage. Those who like everything from rap and hip-hop to electronic dance music will enjoy his trivia on some of the most popular tunes today. Whether he's testing your knowledge of an early rap artist or challenging you to answer about techno or dubstep, his lineup of questions will have you dancing all over the floor. Oh, be prepared for an occasional reggae question as well!